Green Thru

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Podcast 35 [Bridged] - Harrison Cogan

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Podcast 35 [Bridged] - Harrison Cogan Bridged - A Green Thru Series

Can blockchain help control secondary market revenue and eliminate ticket fraud?

Harrison Cogan is the Co-Founder of Blocktickets, a Web3 ticket solution for live events providing organisers and fans secure NFT tickets via blockchain, secondary market control, and ticket fraud prevention.

Tune in to find out how blockchain can help provide an end-to-end visibility on the ticket lifecycle and much more. Enjoy!

Link to Blocktickets’ Twitter page

Link to Blocktickets’ website

Episode Breakdown

00:45 - How did you go about the founding of BlockTickets?

4:20 - How have you been able to develop an easily understood use case of blockchain technology?

6:40 - How does the approach of event organisers vary country-to-country when talking about their exposure to secondary market resales of tickets?

8:30 - Is there an educational element to your pitch when selling your end-to-end ticket lifecycle proposition to event organisers?

11:00 - Does your NFT-denominated ticket solution provide an extra opportunity to strengthen the relationship between artist and the audience? 

13:00 - Where are you at with regards to the product development of your ticket solution?

16:30 - Do you currently have less added pressure to seek external funding?

19:30 - Is your ticketing solution scalable regardless of the market in question?

21:20 - Did you encounter some resistance initially when pitching your ticket solution to event organisers?

23:20 - How have you found yourself being able to be revenue-generating so early on?

25:00 - Has it been challenging to build relationships in this highly competitive market?

29:00 - Has there been any kind of support coming from Polygon to date?

30:30 - Is the integration of your ticket solution dependent upon the type of act/event or no?